Teaching and Educational Projects

It is my wish to help to re-introduce the study of traditional geometry back into contemporary culture, the applications of this study encompass many fields of research including architecture, engineering, chemistry, physics, mathematics. As well as practice of traditional geometry has the ability to aid the learning of mathematics through the visualisation of concepts.
I have been involved in various educational projects, from supporting Adam Williamson teaching Geometry and Islamic patterns, to the work I have done for The Prince's School of Traditional Arts (see below)
I am interested in teaching geometry in cross-curricular activities, looking at Physics & Sound and Art & Mathematics, to give the student an appreciation of the incredible order and harmony present in the world, and also to help the student to understand topics that might otherwise be difficult to understand with other teaching methods.
example Education Project
Maslaha and The Prince's School of Traditional Arts - Cross Curriculum Education Project
Maslaha - a london based organisation whose aim is to "break down barriers and increase understanding of Islam and its contribution to society" - set out to develop educational resources which are cross curricular and introduce aspects of the islamic contribution to the arts and sciences. They approached The Prince's School of Traditional Arts, and I was appointed project lead. The project took the form of a series of Workshops held at Mulberry School in Wapping London.
For further information on the project follow this link
In a series of workshops we covered a range of topics by exploring the simple for of the Hexagon. We coverred topics in chemistry physics and biology by looking at the occurrence of the hexagon in nature. Then by observing its use in Islamic and Christian Arts. We also coverred some basic principles of trigonometry through analysing the simple construction of the hexagon using a compass and ruler. Whilst applying what we learnt into an art project so keeping the students engaged and creative.